Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christianity is the Antichrist?

i went to a seminar on the end of the world when i was a youth pastor. it was awesome shit until they started blaming the papal church. and i, trying to branch out and learn all the different branches of christianity called 'bullshit' and never went back... take into account this was a seventh day adventist church. but i left there felling beguiled.
needless to say i have been troubled with my issue with organized religion. i have seen things and understand things now that have put me on the path that i could never go back to that kid i was in high school. the innocence is broken. my religious hymen is gone. but i tarried on in those early years of doubt. only to be struck in the face time and time again by these zealots who wanted to teach that long hair was bad and that jesus didn't turn water into wine, it was grape juice.
i had never seen a blonde-haired blue-eyed jesus until i went to a catholic church. and at the time i just thought it was funny that these people would actually believe jesus was of german descent.
ok, i'm rambling.
so on with my point: i have always loved things in the history channel about the end of the world. and everytime they talk about the antichrist it's always about someone you already knew was evil... hitler, stalin, bush, bin laden.. but who's writing this? the antichrist is supposed to be a person (and/or group) to unite the world. someone or something that brings unknowing people together without them knowing they are fighting for the wrong side. one thing to bind them together as a whole to make an army to fight against the truth..

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